Shipping Policy

We offer the most secure and efficient shipping service from Canada Post. If your order is lost, or sent to the wrong address, Canada Post will track the address the order was delivered and have it picked up or they will reimburse. the receiver. If that is not possible to locate the package, then they will refund your cost for the order. It handles both domestic and international deliveries.

For large orders shipping delays can be expected. Please note that shipping times are not guaranteed during the month of December depending on your location. This due to the high volume of orders.
If you have not received your order within a reasonable time, please contact us at

Depending on where the parcel is to be delivered it is at the discretion of Canada Post and International postal service as to when it arrives. We are a third party.
If upon receipt the parcel is damaged, please take a picture of the damage. We will assist with service from Canada Post to offer a full refund or exchange..

Return Policy

Returns and refunds

Contact us by email before shipping your product at Mention the following when emailing us order number and the reason for return, it’s that simple.


  • Start your return online.
  • Returns are processed in 10-14 business days and refunds can be expected 5-7 business days after processing.
  • Our Return Policy
  • We handle returns on a case-by-case basis with the ultimate goal of making our customers happy. We stand behind our goods and services, and want customers to be satisfied with them. We’ll always do our best to take care of customers—our philosophy is to deal with them fairly and reasonably. We have long believed that when we treat our customers fairly, they in turn are fair with us. We apply refunds to the tender with which returned items were purchased. If we choose to provide a refund and no record of sale is available, we’ll ask for personal identification.
  • Shipping is at the descretion of Canaa Post or another carrier.
  • Need to make a return? We no longer send return labels with orders, but you can still print your own label,
  • How do I write a return policy?